Nuevo Amanecer Latino Children’s Services (NALCS) understands that transitional age youth need the proper tools and resources toward self sufficiency once the exit foster care. Since 2013, and independent from child welfare entities, NALCS has been providing its youth with Independent Living Life Skill training’s. NALCS ILP training’s cover the following components: College 101, Financial Aid ,Housing, Money Management, Employment, Gang Awareness, STI Prevention and Safe Sex, Drug Awareness, and other available resource for eligible transitional age youth.
NALCS has made collaborations, partnerships, and connections with the following organizations/programs which have reached out to our youth at our ILP trainings:
Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley, Inc. 526 E. Orange Grove Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91104
Christina Boothman
Community Education Manager
Homeboy Industries 130 W. Bruno St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Los Angeles Job Corps 217 W. 11th St. LA., CA 90015
Blanquita Siongco
Admissions Counselor
Cal Poly Pomona Renaissance Scholars Program 3801 West Temple Ave
Pomona, CA 91768
Makeda Bostic
Cal State Fullerton Guardian Scholars Program 6828 P.O Box C-120
Fullerton, CA 92834
Sara Gamez, Director
Mt. San Antonio College Extended Opportunity Program & Services
Concepcion Toledo
EOPS Outreach Specialist
Wells Fargo 900 N San Fernando Blvd, Burbank, CA 91504
Since 2009, NALCS has provided and graduated 136 youth ranging from 16-19 years old. Out of those 136 youth who have attended NALCS ILP trainings, 15 (11%) have gone on to graduate from high school and pursue higher education via UC, CSU, Community College, or trade school. As a whole, considering those that have completed NALCS ILP classes and those that haven’t; since 2002 NALCS has had 28 youth graduate from high school and pursue higher education via UC, CSU, Community College, or trade school.